Magneto-optics in Soft X-rays

We propose a newly designed soft x-ray polarizer that enables to optically convert a linear polarization to any orthogonal states of not only the left(L)- and right(R)-handed circular polarizations but also the linear s- and p- polarizations in reflection, using simple thin-film structures made of ultrathin magnetic films, which has been found by employing numerical calculations.

Detailed explanation

The polarization state of soft x rays reflected from a simple magnetic film drastically varies with the grazing angle of incident beams, and their orthogonal states of either the linear or circular polarization are readily switchable by reversing the orientation of the longitudinal magnetization of the magnetic film. These simulation results provide a possibility to produce both of almost pure linear and circular polarization, an opportunity of their fast switching, and a partial energy tunability just below the absorption edges of magnetic materials used, together with about 10% reflectivity. This idea will be comfirmed by delicate experiments on the EPU beamline.